瓶装水已经成为许多美国人日常生活的一部分. We drink more soda, milk, or beer. Entire aisles at the grocery store are full of it. But are we making a huge mistake?

加拿大28走势图很多人都听说过为什么瓶装水是一个坏主意背后的一些逻辑. Yet we continue to purchase it anyway. 有时,看到摆在眼前的大图景会让事情变得更清楚.

Here are six reasons you should stop buying bottled water.

1. You’re Wasting Your Money

Bottled water is a huge global industry. That’s why there’s a trade association called the International Bottled 水 Association, 谁能改善瓶装水行业的形象,并代表瓶装水游说世界各国政府.

Experts now say bottled water is poised to pass up carbonated soft drinks 成为美国包装饮料市场的头号产品. 像百事可乐和可口可乐这样的汽水巨头并没有受到这个消息的困扰,因为他们销售自己品牌的瓶装水.

North America is by far the largest consumer of bottled water. Mexico uses the most per capita, 但美国人在这上面花了很多钱, topping $15 billion in 2015 according to research 敏特公司的. Other estimates say Americans spend around $100 per person on bottled water each year.

比较瓶装水贵多少的数字涵盖了广泛的范围. 根据你买的东西,瓶装水可以在任何地方 300x to 2,000x more expensive than getting it from your home faucet.

Watch a Video on Why Bottled 水 is Expensive

2. Many Brands Are Selling You Tap 水

你买的瓶装水的质量会有很大的不同. 其中大部分只不过是在装瓶厂经过过滤的市政用水. 美国国家加拿大28技巧保护委员会(NRDC)估计大约25%的水直接来自水龙头, and some of it isn’t even further treated. Manufacturers of bottled water are good at marketing. 他们用正确的词语让你觉得他们的产品是最纯净的, most refreshing water imaginable.

Remember, water filtration is something you can do in 你自己的家 如果你选择.

Do you ever drink Aquafina bottled water? PepsiCo recently admitted 它的瓶装水只不过是过滤过的自来水, and the company was forced to change the labeling on Aquafina. 消费者团体现在也把目标对准了可口可乐的Dasani品牌瓶装水.

Check the labeling on your favorite bottled water. 如果上面写着“公共水源”,你喝的是包装好的自来水.

3. Bottled 水 Can be Contaminated

We’re not trying to scare you. Most bottled water is likely safe. 然而,瓶装水行业并没有一个完美的记录.

An article from CBS.com states there have been more than 100 recalls of bottled water. 这篇文章列出了常见的水污染物,如藻类、细菌和氯. But it also mentions things like glass particles, 模具, 1994年,在德克萨斯州的瓶装水中甚至发现了蟋蟀. More recently, a North Carolina woman claimed she 发现幼虫 in her Dasani bottled water. Coca-Cola disputed the claim.

记住, while the FDA does have some standard for water bottlers, 它不能管理在同一州内瓶装和销售的水. You have to look carefully to find the truth. In many ways, regular city water is 更规范的 than bottled water.

4. Buying Bottled 水 Hurts the Environment

Drinking bottled water creates unnecessary waste. 你可能认为这不是问题,因为水瓶可以回收利用. Unfortunately, that’s not what is happening. 的 majority of those bottles end up in a landfill.

In 2015, 的 Association of Plastic Recyclers reported that the recycling rate for plastic bottles reached 31.8% – a 1% increase year over year. 然而, that still means more than two-thirds of plastic bottles do not get recycled. Two-thirds of 50 billion bottles a year is a lot! Americans are using 2.每小时有500万个塑料瓶,瓶装水占了相当大的一部分.

塑料瓶产生的废物甚至还不是最严重的环境影响. 真正伤害地球的是生产和运输.

Peter Gleick is an environmentalist who authored the book Bottled and Sold, which criticizes the bottled water industry. 他进行了一项研究,估计瓶装水的能源消耗是自来水的2000倍.

5. Plastic Bottles Could be Harmful to Your 健康

瓶装水价格上涨的一个重要原因是,许多人都想变得更健康. 那太好了! 水对身心健康至关重要,但塑料瓶可能是个问题.

的 biggest problem is BPA or 双酚a. According to the Mayo Clinic’s website:

You’ll find a few bottled waters being marketed as BPA-free. 然而, some researchers are calling foul. 他们说,用来取代双酚a的化学物质可能同样危险. Read more about that in an article on 的 Huffington Post.

可回收的PET塑料瓶可能有其自身的健康风险. 被称为邻苯二甲酸盐的化学物质有可能从塑料中渗透到水中. Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors, which means they have the potential to mess up your hormones.

如果你把水长时间放在塑料瓶里,并让它暴露在高温或阳光下,这种情况更有可能发生. 这增加了塑料分解和进入水中的风险.

的 NRDC tested more than 1,000 bottles of water and concluded, “不能保证从瓶子里出来的水就比从水龙头里出来的水更干净或更安全.”

甚至连政府都公开表示,如果你想要更健康,家庭用水过滤比瓶装水更好. An annual report from the President’s Cancer Panel states:

6. Bottled 水 May Not Even Taste Better

加拿大28走势图在瓶装水上花了那么多钱,你可能会认为瓶装水有某种好处. 即使它对你来说不健康,但它必须尝起来更好,对吧? If it does, it’s probably the placebo effect.

Time after time, 盲品测试表明,大多数人无法真正区分瓶装水和自来水, much less specific brands of water.

最有趣的口味测试之一是斐济瓶装水. 它发起了一场营销活动,取笑克利夫兰的水. 的 campaign stated, “的 label says Fiji because it’s not bottled in Cleveland.”

Cleveland took offense to that and had Fiji water tested. Turned out, it contained 6.31 micrograms of arsenic. 然后克利夫兰举行了一场味觉测试,将斐济的水与克利夫兰的水进行对比. We bet you can guess who won.

的re’s a Smarter Way to Get Better Drinking 水

根据你居住的地方,家庭用水的质量和味道可能会有很大的不同, the plumbing in your home, and your personal preference. 很有可能你的自来水不是最好的饮用方式.

的 2015 水 Quality Association report 在消费者意见调查中发现,77%的受访者使用瓶装水. At 41%, 在调查中,人们选择瓶装水的首要原因是他们的自来水味道不好. 另有37%的人表示他们担心水中的污染物.

Bottled water is certainly not the only solution!

如果你读了所有这些观点,感觉有点被瓶装水营销欺骗了, 现在改变饮水习惯还为时不晚.

家庭过滤可以改变你的自来水,使它安全和愉快的饮用. 像反渗透系统这样的产品为您提供最纯净的水, most-refreshing water right at your tap.

If you’re interested in learning more, 加拿大28走势图建议您联系水权经销商获取更多信息. We have trained water-treatment experts all over the country.


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